Document Signing and Collection
BNH ASSOCIATES LTD has, since 2002, been visiting clients in respect of CFA Sign Up & Document Collection. However, we also have experience in a number of financial matters including conveyancing, pensions, wills, probate, housing disrepair etc.
In respect of CFA matters we work with you to agree what our agents will say in respect of funding a case; this provides a consistency of information for the client and results in an increased conversion rate. To ensure a high level of professionalism is maintained our instructions to the agent includes a unique summary of the case.
We will investigate if the client has any legal expense insurance and obtain any ID as required. Our experience shows us that to achieve high conversion rates it is important that the instructing solicitor and BNH work closely together. We will, wherever possible, provide you with feedback and advice if we feel it will help the sign up and client care process. Within our sign up service we can deal with forms of authority, terms of business, client care letters and CNF.
In Conveyancing matters we can obtain deeds, mortgage applications, plans, leases etc.