Whether you are looking to find a defendant or potential witness, or you have simply lost contact with your client, we can help. A combination of in-house checks and enquiries at an address ensures that you have the very best chance of getting a positive result.
Of course, if you still have the completion or signing of documents outstanding we can deal with this when we speak to your client; all included in the one fee.
Using BNH means you don’t spend your valuable time constantly ringing the client and just end up leaving lots of messages. You can use your time more productively rather than wasting it sending out lots of documents, only to get nothing back. If limitation is approaching, don’t panic, help is at hand.
Plus, if you are looking to trace a person with the intention of obtaining a witness statement let us take the statement for you. In some cases we will only charge our standard fee for obtaining a statement and the cost of tracing is waived.
BNH has a great success rate at locating clients, finding new addresses and contact telephone numbers. Also, don’t forget our Asset Report service.